PMT Academy
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PMT has more than 20 years of measurement solution experience and the cutting-edge technology, which will help you conquer every measurement challenge. PMT academy will become an indispensable resource platform for your company and will support you all along the way throughout product quality control. Additionally, we also have irregular measurement training program, knowledge salon, professional seminars, etc.
As the supervisor at the measurement and quality laboratory, maybe you are resorting to a solution that can achieve higher accuracy and efficiency. Sometimes when quality accidents occur, you need to use all your measuring skills and expertise to solve the problem quickly and reliably.

- PMT Customer Training Program
- When you decide to buy PMT product, the purpose is to improve workflow efficiency and achieve a good return on investment. Before purchasing, our trainer will work with your leader to make a training program that meets your needs. This program ensures that you will be able to use the PMT measurement system more effectively on the job after passing the training. We will take into account your staff educational background and special requirements and back you up with an overall theory and hands-on training for the precision measurement you want.

- Basic Level Training
- Through PMT basic training, you will have an in-depth understanding of quality assurance and keep abreast of the latest trends and standards. It explores solutions step-by-step to help you conquer every daily measurement challenge. You are free to select whatever you want to prepare for a future measurement task throughout a broad groundwork, software and technical sections. On a basis of PMT measurement system, this training program covers basic operations and interactive applications of software and hardware, including product setup, basic alignments settlement, measurement solution, record and report. Certificates will be issued upon completion of each assessment. For those who wish to further extend their knowledge and experience, we recommend advanced level training after passing basic course.

- Advanced Level Training
- Based on your current knowledge level and expertise, we will recommend you one of our customized learning programs. Our experts will offer leading companies who have higher measurement needs advanced training courses, for example sharing the most advanced technology insights in the field of metrology. During this training our trainer will expand the knowledge involved in basic classes and then apply it to real work. Here you are going to learn how to proceed with software enhancements to make your daily measurement more efficient. The profound process optimization expertise and shared knowledge will ensure your measurement processes are more stable and faster to implement, and your team is able to generate accurate results that meet the latest standards. We are delightful to discuss any specific issues and tasks in the course of your training. Since the system, equipment and software you use have always been updating, it is necessary to follow the pace of company development and the ongoing programs from PMT academy will keep your measurement solutions up to date and more competitive.

- On-site Application Training
- Everlasting learning is required for daily users and measurement experts, which means leaving our center does not mean the end of your knowledge pursuit. You can find your specific subjects in our e-learning room to assure a sustained knowledge acquisition. Our on-site application engineers will stand by anytime to facilitate your measurement demands and provide your company with a rapid and efficient solution to on site problems.